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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Swapped: paperphine and kathecuervo

Swap between paperphine and kathecuervo

Paper Yarn Rings made to bring Autumn Colors into your life: Orange, Dark Warm Red and Cool White with the promise of snow... The ring on your finger will engage your senses - not only eyes and touch but you'll see that playing around with it comes naturally and brings great fun.

The rings are made out of my favorite material: Paper Yarn that has carefully been dyed to give longlasting intensive colors. It's a very sturdy material and getting the rings wet from time to time is no problem (please do take them off when doing the dishes though!)

The size of the ring itself can be adjusted easily, the round socket is about 0.4in (1cm) in diameter and the "pricks" stand about 1- 2in (2-4cm) high.
The ring is shipped in a little clear tube to protect it from any harm.

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